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Scholarship in poland


How to get Poland Scholarships from Pakistan in 2023

Getting a scholarship can significantly alleviate the financial burden of studying abroad. Various institutions, including universities, government organizations, and private foundations, offer Poland Scholarships. These scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, financial need, or a combination of both.


Programs Offered

Hey, if you’re a student in Pakistan and you want to study in Poland, 2024 could be your chance! Poland has lots of scholarships for students from other countries. You can study different subjects like engineering, agriculture, and even Polish language programs. Let’s take a closer look at some of these opportunities:

Poland Government NAWA Scholarships

  • Coverage: Full tuition fee coverage.
  • Programs: Bachelor’s programs in Engineering, Agricultural Sciences, Life Sciences, Technical Sciences, and Exact Sciences.
  • Duration: Varies based on the program.
  • Additional Support: Living expenses support provided.

Poland Government Funded Scholarships (2023)

  • Coverage: Full tuition fee coverage.
  • Programs: Master’s programs in all subjects.
  • Duration: Typically 2 years.
  • Additional Support: Stipend for living expenses included.

Jan Dlugosz University Scholarships

  • Coverage: Partial funding (covers half of the tuition fees).
  • Programs: Postgraduate and Graduate programs in various subjects.
  • Duration: 1-2 years.

Silesian University of Technology Scholarships

  • Coverage: Partial funding (covers half of the tuition fees).
  • Programs: Undergraduate programs in all subjects.
  • Duration: 3-4 years.

POLONISTA Scholarship and Fellowship Program

  • Coverage: Full tuition fee coverage.
  • Programs: Master’s programs in Polish Languages.
  • Duration: 1 year.

International Awards at Kozminski University

  • Coverage: Partial funding (covers half of the tuition fees).
  • Programs: Master’s programs in English.
  • Duration: 1.5-2 years.

Eligibility Criteria

To get scholarships in Poland, there are certain things you need to qualify for. Different scholarships have different rules, but here are some everyday things you need to be eligible for scholarships in Poland if you’re from Pakistan:

Academic Excellence:

To get scholarships, you should have good grades in your studies. This means having a decent grade point average (GPA) or doing well in your academic work. The exact GPA needed can differ based on the scholarship and whether you’re studying at the undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctoral level.

Field of Study:

Certain scholarships in Poland are only for certain subjects or areas of study. These scholarships might focus more on fields that match what the funding organization wants or what Poland is aiming to develop.

Language Proficiency:

For some scholarships, you need to be good at speaking Polish, especially if they’re from Polish schools. This is so you can join classes and talk with other students easily. But don’t worry; there are also scholarships in English, especially for higher-level studies.

Nationality and Residency:

Some scholarships in Poland are only for students from certain places. However, many scholarships are open to students from all over the world, including Pakistan. It would usually help if you lived in Pakistan when you applied.

Admission to a Poland University:

To get many scholarships in Poland, you’ll need to have either already been accepted to a Polish university or be in the process of applying. Make sure to check the scholarship rules to see if you qualify before or while you’re applying to the university.

Financial Need:

For some scholarships in Poland, they prefer students who only have a little money. You should show documents or proof that you can’t afford to study in Poland on your own.

Personal Statement or Essay:

When you apply for a scholarship, they might ask you to write a short essay about why you want to study in Poland, your goals for the future, and how getting the scholarship will help you reach those goals. It’s a chance to show how much you care and how hard you’re willing to work.

Universities in Poland for International Students

Poland has some really good universities that are famous for being great places for students from other countries. Here are a few of the best ones:

List of Universities :

  • University of Warsaw
  • Jagiellonian University
  • Warsaw University of Technology
  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
  • University of Wrocław
  • AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Lodz University

Required Documents for Poland Scholarships

When Pakistani students apply for scholarships in Poland, they usually need to give some documents. The exact documents can change depending on the scholarship and the university, but here are some that are often asked for:

Application Form:

When you apply for a scholarship, you’ll usually do it online. Just make sure to fill in all the boxes with the correct information and check everything before you click “submit.”

Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume:

You might need to create a detailed resume that talks about your education, awards, jobs, activities outside of school, and special skills or certificates. Make sure it looks good and matches what the scholarship is looking for.

Transcripts and Certificates:

You’ll need to send in your school and college grades on official papers, like your high school certificate and any degrees you’ve earned. These papers show how well you’ve done in your classes.

Letter(s) of Recommendation:

You might need letters from teachers, professors, or bosses who know how good you are at school or work. Ask people who know you well and can say nice things about you.

Statement of Purpose or Motivation Letter:

You’ll need to write a letter explaining why you want to study in Poland, what you want to do in the future, and how getting the scholarship will help you reach your goals.

Proof of Language Proficiency:

Depending on the scholarship and the language of the classes, you might have to show that you’re good at speaking a certain language. You can do this by taking language tests like TestDaF for Polish or IELTS/TOEFL for English.

Valid Passport:

Make sure your passport is valid if you want to study in Poland. It should be suitable for the whole time you plan to stay there.

Financial Statements:

For some scholarships, you might need to show documents about your financial situation. This helps them determine whether you need financial help and whether you’re eligible for it.

Other Supporting Documents:

You might need to submit more papers for some scholarships. These could include your ID, proof of any jobs you’ve had, certificates for activities outside of school, or whatever else they ask for in the instructions.

How to Apply for Poland Scholarships

Getting a scholarship in Poland requires you to be really careful and organized. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it as a student from Pakistan:

Research Poland Scholarships Opportunities:

First, check out the scholarships in Poland that are right for you as a Pakistani student. Look at ones that match what you’re studying, your grades, and what you want to do in the future. Please pay attention to things like who can apply, how much they cover, and when you need to use them.

Select the Right Scholarship:

After finding scholarships you might like, read through each one carefully. See what they need from you, what they offer, and what they expect. Pick the ones that give you the most money and fit well with what you want to do in the future.

Gather Required Documents:

Check what papers you need for each scholarship you want to apply to. Get all the stuff together, like your school grades, certificates, letters from teachers, and your resume. Make sure you have the correct language test scores, like TestDaF or IELTS/TOEFL, if they’re needed.

Prepare a Strong Statement of Purpose:

Write a letter about why you want to study in Poland and how the scholarship will help you. Talk about what you want to do in the future and why you picked Poland. Make sure to customize your letter for each scholarship, focusing on how you match what they’re looking for.

Complete the Online Application Form:

Go to the scholarship website and find where you can apply online. Fill in the form carefully and put in all the details they ask for. Make sure to upload all the documents they need in the right way and size.

Submit the Application:

Look over your application one more time to make sure everything is correct and you’ve added all the papers they asked for. Could you send it in before the due date? Please save a copy and any numbers they give you as a reference for later.

Follow-Up and Additional Requirements:

Check your email often after sending your application. The scholarship or university might need more stuff or want to talk to you. If they ask for anything, send it back quickly.

Await the Results:

It might take a while to know if you got the scholarship. Just be patient and wait for the news. If they want to talk to you more, get ready and show them why you’re a good fit for the scholarship.

Acceptance and Enrollment:

If you get chosen for a scholarship in Poland, they’ll send you a letter saying you got it. Follow what the letter says to say yes and secure your spot in the program. Then, sign up for classes at the Polish university like they tell you to.

Prepare for Departure:

Once you know you’re in, get ready for your trip to Poland. Sort out where you’ll stay, how you’ll get there, and anything else you need. If you need a student visa, make sure you apply for it and gather all the papers you’ll need for your trip.

Application Submission for Poland Scholarships

Sending in your application for a scholarship in Poland is really important. Here’s how to do it right:

Review the Application Requirements:

Before you send in your application, make sure you look at what the scholarship needs from you and how to do it. Get all the papers they ask for, fill out the form correctly, and make sure you’re eligible.

Proofread and Edit:

Before you send your application, look it over closely. Fix any mistakes in spelling or grammar, and make sure everything you wrote is correct and current.

Organize Your Documents:

Get your papers organized, just as the application instructions ask. Make neat folders or files for each paper and put them in the correct order. If they want digital copies, scan your papers and save them in the format they want.

Check File Formats and Sizes:

Check what types of files they accept and how big each paper can be. If necessary, change your files to fit their requirements. Doing this right prevents computer problems when you send your papers in.

Create Backup Copies:

Make extra copies of all your papers for the application. Keep them safe on a computer and, if you can, on paper, too. This way, if something unexpected happens or your computer has a problem, you still have your papers ready.

Submit Online Applications:

If you have to apply online for the scholarship, go to the scholarship’s website. Follow the instructions to fill out the form. Then, put your papers in the correct order and add them to your application.

Verify Completeness and Accuracy:

Look over your application one more time to make sure you included all the papers they need. Check that everything you wrote in the form is correct and current. If you need to include something or put in the right information, it might cause problems when they review your application.

Submit Before the Deadline:

Make sure you know when the application is due. Please send it in early, before the time they say, to avoid any problems. They usually only take on-time applications, so be on time.

Keep Confirmation or Reference Numbers:

Once you send your application, you might receive an email or a number as proof. Keep this safe in case you need it later. It shows that you sent your application.

Follow Up, if Required:

Sometimes, the scholarship or university might ask for more stuff. Check your email often and send what they need right away. If you don’t, they might not consider your application.

Instructions for Online Application

When you want to apply for a scholarship in Poland, most times you’ll do it online. Here are some simple steps to help you do it right:

For a detailed explanation of the online submission process, please visit the website.

Create an Account:

Go to the scholarship program’s website or the place where you applied. If you don’t have an account, look for where it says “create a new account.” Enter your name and email and create a password to create your account.

Read the Guidelines:

Please read everything on the online form carefully. Look for any special rules, like how to write things or how many words to use in each part.

Prepare Supporting Documents:

Before you fill out the online form, make sure you have all the papers they need. This could be your school grades, letters from teachers, a letter about why you want the scholarship, and your resume. Scan them and save them as PDF or JPEG files so you can add them to your application quickly.

Start the Application:

After you log in:

  1. Find where you can apply for the scholarship.
  2. Click the button to start.
  3. Make sure your internet works well so you don’t have any problems.

Complete Each Section:

Follow the instructions provided for each section of the application form. Fill in your personal details, educational background, and any other required information accurately. Take your time to ensure the information is correct before moving on to the next section.

Upload Documents:

Put your papers in the right spots as they ask. Follow what they say for each paper, like how to add them and if they need to be a certain size. Check that each paper went in okay before you move on.

Review and Edit:

Before you send your application,

  1. Review everything you wrote and all the papers you added. Look for any mistakes, like spelling errors or things you forgot to write and fix them so your application is complete and correct.
Save Progress:
  1. If you ca

Save your work as you go. Do it. Save your application now and then, especially if you’re writing a lot, so you can keep everything if your computer has a problem.

Submit the Application:

When you’re done checking and fixing your application, and you’re sure everything’s right, click the button that says “Submit” or “Finalize” to send it in. Make sure to look for any messages that pop up and do what they say.


Once you send your application, you might get a message or email saying they got it. Save this message. If you don’t get any message, ask the scholarship people or the university about your application.

Monitor Application Status:

If there’s a way to track your application online, keep checking it for updates. If not, wait for the scholarship people or the university to get in touch with you about what happens next.

What GPA is Required for Poland Scholarships

Different scholarships in Poland have different rules about grades. The GPA you need depends on which scholarship you’re applying for, which university you want to go to, and what you want to study. Usually, having good grades with a high GPA helps you get scholarships in Poland.

There’s no set GPA you must have, but it’s good to aim for a GPA of 3.0 or higher out of 4.0. Remember, scholarship committees in Poland look at more than just your grades. They also consider what you’ve achieved in school, activities outside of class, any research you’ve done, and why you want to study in Poland.

Getting scholarships in Poland is tricky because lots of people want them, and they pick very carefully. So, work hard in school and keep your grades high to improve your chances of getting a scholarship in Poland.

Best Grades for Poland Scholarships

In Poland, students’ grades are graded using a scale from 1.0 (best) to 4.0 (okay). However, each university or program might have slightly different grading rules.

To get a scholarship in Poland, try to get the best grades you can. Focus on doing well in your classes that relate to what you want to study. Also, join in other activities like clubs, internships, and projects to show how serious you are about doing great in school.


In the end, getting a scholarship in Poland is a fantastic chance for students from other countries, like Pakistan, who want a good education and to learn from different places. Poland has lots of programs from good universities, making it a great place to learn and grow.

Scholarships in Poland help with more than tuition. They also give money for living expenses, insurance, and travel. This helps students worry less about money and focus more on school and enjoying Poland. 


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June 13th, 2023
Mufaqar Author


Mufaqar is a seasoned developer, blogger, and the founder of TrueJob. With expertise in technology, he shares valuable insights and resources through his renowned blog. Committed to excellence, Mufaqar empowers readers with the latest industry knowledge and guidance to excel in their careers.

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