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Scholarship in Turkey


Get a Turkey Scholarship for International Students in 2024-2025

Are you thinking about studying abroad and doing research? Scholarships can help make this possible by reducing the costs and giving you great opportunities. Turkey is becoming a popular choice for international students because of its rich culture, excellent universities, and generous scholarship programs.


About the Turkish Government Research Scholarship

The Turkish Government Research Scholarship is a unique program that brings top students from around the world to Turkey. It is meant for PhD and research students and gives them some financial support. Chosen students get 12,000 TL every month to help with their studies and research.

  • Deadline: June 2024
  • Level: PhD, Research
  • Funding: Partially funded

Research Opportunities in Turkey

Turkey has many respected universities and research centres, making it an excellent place for students. Working with Turkish researchers can give you new ideas and methods for your studies. In Turkey, you can explore different natural environments, historical places, and advanced technology.


If you are interested in accounting research, Turkey has excellent opportunities for you. Important universities like Istanbul University and Koç University have many resources and experienced teachers to help you. You can study things like financial reports, auditing, and company management, which are essential in Turkey’s busy business world.

Engineering and Technology Fields

  • Automotive Engineering: Turkey is a centre for automotive engineering, with schools like Istanbul Technical University conducting extensive research in this area. The country plays a significant role in the car industry, with many projects on car design, how cars are made, and eco-friendly transportation.
  • Chemical Engineering: Turkey is known for its petrochemical industry and has excellent research opportunities in chemical engineering. Universities work with industry leaders, giving students access to modern labs and practical experiences in materials science, process engineering, and environmental protection.
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Turkey’s growing tech industry makes it an excellent place for research in telecommunications and electronics. You can study signal processing, renewable energy, and automation at top schools like Bilkent University and Sabancı University.


  • Biology and Biochemistry: Turkey has many different plants and animals, which is excellent for studying biology. Schools like Boğaziçi University help with this. You can study things like genes, animals in their natural homes, and how to keep nature safe.
  • Environmental Sciences: Turkish universities are working on critical environmental issues. They study climate change, water management, and farming in ways that benefit the Earth, helping to find answers to big global problems.
  • Physics and Astronomy: Turkey has excellent tools for studying space and stars, such as the Turkish National Observatory. Universities also study how things work in space, tiny particles, and new materials.

Medical and Health Sciences

  • Medicine: Turkey has excellent medical schools and hospitals that conduct many critical medical studies. Schools like Hacettepe University and Istanbul University have special programs for studying diseases, new medical tools, and how to keep people healthy around the world.
  • Nursing and Midwifery: At places like Hacettepe University, nurses are taught advanced ways to care for patients and mothers during childbirth. They also study new ways to help patients, manage healthcare, and make communities healthier. This helps improve healthcare for everyone.
  • Pharmacy and Pharmacology: Turkey is well-known for its research on medicines. They study how to make new drugs and test them on patients. Universities work with drug companies to examine how drugs move in the body, how they are given, and new ways to treat illnesses.

Humanities and Social Sciences

  • History and Archaeology: Turkey has many old places that are great for history experts and people who dig up old stuff. These people study ancient civilizations, keep old things safe, and learn about how history changes over time. Schools like Ankara University help with this kind of learning.
  • Psychology and Behavioral Sciences: Turkish universities have good programs and opportunities to study how people think and behave. They study things like how our minds work, how to help people with mental health issues, and how we act in groups. Schools like Middle East Technical University are really good at teaching about these topics.
  • Sociology and Cultural Studies: Researchers can study different social and cultural things in Turkey’s unique way of life. They look into topics like people moving to new places, what makes us who we are, and how rules affect our lives. Schools like Koç University have a lot of help and knowledge for these kinds of studies.

Creative and Design Fields

  • Graphic Design and Industrial Design: In Turkey, there are lots of exciting art and design events. Schools like Istanbul Bilgi University teach about making pictures, designing things like buildings, and communicating using visuals. They want students to think of new ideas and be creative.
  • Media Studies and Cinema: Movies from Turkey are really famous worldwide, so learning about them is fun in media classes. You can study things like how movies are made, how to create media, and how to talk online. Schools like Istanbul University help with these studies.
  • Art History and Museum Studies: Turkey’s museums and old places have lots of stuff for studying art history and keeping old things safe. Schools work with museums so that students can see and learn from many things. They also learn how to take care of art and old stuff and how to manage our history.

Eligibility Criteria

To get a scholarship in Turkey, you must meet specific requirements. These requirements vary depending on the scholarship program. Here are some standard eligibility criteria for Pakistani students applying for scholarships in Turkey.

Academic Excellence:

To get a scholarship in Turkey, you need to do well in school. This means having good grades, like a high GPA. The exact GPA needed can change depending on the scholarship and what level of studies you’re applying for.

Field of Study:

Specific Turkey scholarships are only for particular subjects or areas of study. These scholarships might focus more on fields that match what the funders or Turkey want to achieve.

Language Proficiency:

Some scholarships may ask you to be good at speaking Turkish, especially if they come from UK schools. This is so you can join classes and talk with other students easily. But there are also scholarships taught in English, especially for higher studies.

Nationality and Residency:

Some scholarships in Turkey are only for students from certain places. But many others are for students from around the world, including Pakistan. Usually, it would help if you lived in Pakistan when you applied.

Admission to a Turkey University:

Most scholarships in Turkey want you to have already been accepted or be in the middle of applying to a Turkey university. Make sure to check what the scholarship needs before you apply, either at the same time or before you apply to the university.

Financial Need:

Some scholarships in Turkey like students who show they really need financial help. They might ask for papers showing how much money you have or don’t have to pay for studying in Turkey.

Personal Statement or Essay:

When you apply for a scholarship, they usually want you to write about why you want to study in Turkey, your goals, and how the scholarship will help you. This is your chance to show how much you care and how hard you’ll work.

Best Universities for Pakistani Students in Turkey

Turkey has many great universities that are happy to have Pakistani students. These universities are known for being really good at teaching and helping international students.

List of universities :

  • Koç University
  • Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
  • Bilkent University
  • Middle East Technical University (METU)
  • Sabancı University
  • Bogazici University

Required Documents for Turkey Scholarship

To get a scholarship in Turkey, Pakistani students usually need to give some papers. The papers they ask for can change depending on the scholarship and the university. Here are some papers they often ask for:

Application Form:

When you apply for a scholarship online, make sure you fill out the form correctly with all the correct information. Check it twice to make sure you didn’t miss anything or make mistakes before you send it.

Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume:

You may need to make a detailed list of your education, school success, job history (if you have one), things you do outside of school, and any special skills or awards you have. Make sure this list shows what you’re good at and matches what the scholarship is looking for.

Transcripts and Certificates:

You should show official papers from your schools, like your high school certificate and any degrees or diplomas you have. These papers should show how well you did in school and what grades you got in each subject.

Letter(s) of Recommendation:

You may need letters from people like teachers, bosses, or professors who can say good things about you. Try to get letters from people who know you well and can talk about how good you are at school or work.

Statement of Purpose or Motivation Letter:

You’ll need to write a letter that says why you want to study in Turkey, what you want to do in the future, and how getting the scholarship will help you reach your goals.

Proof of Language Proficiency:

If the scholarship needs it and your classes are in Turkish, you might have to prove your Turkish skills by taking tests like TestDaF, IELTS, or TOEFL.

Valid Passport:

It would help if you had a valid passport to study in Turkey. Make sure your passport is current and will stay valid for your whole time there.

Financial Statements:

Specific scholarships might ask you for papers showing how much money you have. This helps them see if you need financial help and if you qualify for their support.

Research Proposal (if applicable):

If you’re applying for a scholarship that focuses on research, you should write a plan about what you want to study. This plan should talk about what you want to learn, how you’ll study it, and what you think you’ll find out.

Other Supporting Documents:

Depending on the scholarship and school, you might need to provide more papers. These could include ID papers, papers showing you worked before, certificates for things you do outside of school, or any other papers they ask for in the application rules.

How to Apply for Turkey Scholarship

Suppose you are a Pakistani student and want to apply for a scholarship in Turkey. In that case, you need to be very careful and pay close attention to everything. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it step by step.

Research Scholarship Opportunities:

First, find out about different scholarships for Pakistani students in Turkey that match what you want to study, how well you do in school, and what you want to do in the future. Check things like who can apply, how much money they give, and when you need to use it.

Select the Right Scholarship:

After finding scholarships, you might like:

  1. Look closely at what they ask for, what they offer, and what you have to do.
  2. Think about which ones fit what you want to do in the future and how you do in school.
  3. Focus on scholarships that give you a lot of money and match what you want to achieve.

Gather Required Documents:

Check what papers you need for each scholarship you want to apply to. Get all the papers you need, like your school grades, certificates, letters from teachers or bosses, and a list of what you’ve done. If you need to show how good you are in English, take tests like TestDaF, IELTS, or TOEFL.

Prepare a Strong Statement of Purpose:

Write a strong letter explaining why you want to study in Turkey, what you want to do in the future, and how the scholarship will help you reach your goals. Make sure to adjust your letter for each scholarship, showing why you’re a good match for what they want.

Complete the Online Application Form:

Go to the scholarship program’s website and find where you can apply online. Please fill out the form carefully and give them all the information they ask for. Make sure you upload all the papers they need in the right way and size.

Submit the Application:

Please look over your application one more time before sending it. Make sure everything is correct and that you’ve added all the papers they need. Send your application before the deadline. Please keep a copy of what you sent and any numbers they give you for later.

Follow-Up and Additional Requirements

Check your email often after sending your application. They might email you for more papers or to talk to you. If they ask for more stuff, send it back quickly.

Await the Results:

It might take a while for them to pick who gets the scholarship. Be patient and wait for them to tell you. If they want to talk to you more, get ready and show them why you should get the scholarship in Turkey.

Acceptance and Enrollment:

If they pick you for the scholarship in Turkey, they’ll send you a letter saying you got it. Follow what they say to say yes to the scholarship and get your spot in the program. Then, sign up for classes at Turkey University as they tell you to.

Prepare for Departure:

After you’re all set to go to Turkey for school, get everything ready. This means planning your trip, finding a place to stay, and taking care of any other things you need. If you need a student visa, apply for it and make sure you have all your papers for your trip to Turkey.

Application Submission for Turkey Scholarship

Sending in your scholarship application is really important when you want to get a scholarship in Turkey. Here’s how to do it right:

Review the Application Requirements:

Before you send your application, look at what the scholarship program asks for. Make sure you have all the papers they need, fill out the form-fitting, and meet their rules.

Proofread and Edit:

Before you send your application, reread it to find any mistakes in spelling or grammar. Fix any problems you see and make sure everything you wrote is correct and current.

Organize Your Documents:

Get your papers ready in the order they ask for. Put each paper in a folder with a label so you know what it is. If they need digital copies, use a scanner to change your documents into electronic files that the application system can use.

Check File Formats and Sizes:

Check what kinds of files and how big they can be for each paper. If necessary, change your files so they fit what they ask for. Doing this right prevents computer problems when you send your papers in.

Create Backup Copies:

Make sure you have copies of all your papers for your application. Keep them safe, either on your computer or in a folder if you can. This way, if something goes wrong when you send them, you still have another copy.

Submit Online Applications:

If you have to apply online for the scholarship, go to the official website. Follow the instructions to fill out the form. Then, put your papers in the right format and add them to your application.

Verify Completeness and Accuracy:

Look over your application one more time to make sure you gave them everything they asked for. Check that everything you wrote is correct and current in the form. If you miss something or make a mistake, it could make them think differently about your application.

Submit Before the Deadline:

Make sure you know when the application is due. Please send it in early so you don’t have problems with the computer or wait too long. They usually only take applications if they’re on time, so be sure to send them on time.

Keep Confirmation or Reference Numbers:

Once you send your application, they might email you or give you a number. Save this information so you can show that you sent it.

Follow Up, if Required:

Sometimes, they might email you asking for more papers or info. Check your email often and answer quickly if they ask for something. If you don’t, they might not consider your application.

Instructions for Online Application

When you want to get a scholarship in Turkey, most times you have to fill out a form online. Here are some easy steps to help you do that:

For a detailed explanation of scholarships in different countries, please visit the website.

Create an Account:

Go to the scholarship program’s website or the place where you applied. If you don’t have an account yet, find where it says “create a new account.” Fill in your name and email, and create a password to create your account.

Read the Guidelines:

Read all the directions on the website where you apply online. Look out for any special rules, how to write things, or how many words you can use in each part of the form.

Prepare Supporting Documents:

Before you begin filling out the form online, make sure you have all the papers you need. These might be things like your school records, letters from people who know you well, a letter explaining why you want the scholarship, and your resume. Scan these papers and save them on your computer in the correct format (like PDF or JPEG) so you can upload them later.

Start the Application:

After you log in, find the scholarship application form. Click the button to start filling out the form. A good internet connection is essential so you don’t get disconnected.

Complete Each Section:

Follow the instructions on each part of the form. Write down your personal information, education history, and anything else they ask for correctly. Take your time and check everything before proceeding to the next part.

Upload Documents:

Add the documents they want you to upload in the right spots. Do what they say for each document, like checking the format and size. Make sure each document is attached correctly before you move on.

Review and Edit:

Before submitting your application:

  1. Review all the entered information and the attached documents.
  2. Look for any errors, typos, or missing information.
  3. Edit and make corrections as necessary to ensure the accuracy and completeness of your application.

Save Progress:

Save your application while you work on it. This helps if something goes wrong, so you don’t lose your work. Save it regularly, especially in long parts, to be safe in case of computer problems.

Submit the Application:

After you’ve checked and fixed any mistakes in your application, and you’re sure everything is correct, click the “Submit” or “Finalize” button to send it in. Make sure to look for any messages that confirm your submission and do what they say.


Once you send your application, you might get a message or email saying it went through. Save that message. If you are still waiting for a message, ask the scholarship people or the university about your application.

Monitor Application Status:

If you can see how your application is doing online, keep checking for updates if you can’t, wait for the scholarship people or the university to tell you about your application.

What GPA is Required for a Turkey Scholarship

For scholarships in Turkey, the GPA you need can be different for each one. It depends on the program, university, and what you’re studying. Having a good GPA can really help you get a scholarship in Turkey.

There’s no exact GPA you must have, but try to aim for at least a 3.0 out of 4.0. Remember, scholarships in Turkey look at more than just your GPA. They also check your other school accomplishments, activities outside of class, any research you’ve done, and why you want to study more in Turkey.

It’s important to note that scholarships in Turkey are highly competitive, and the selection process is rigorous. Therefore, strive for academic excellence and maintain a strong GPA throughout your educational journey to maximize your chances of receiving scholarships in Turkey.

Best Grades for Turkey Scholarship

Getting a scholarship in Turkey can be challenging because lots of people want them. So, try your best in school and keep your grades high. That way, you boost your chances of getting a scholarship in Turkey.

To get a scholarship in Turkey:

  1. Try to get excellent grades.
  2. Focus on doing well in your classes.
  3. Join clubs or do internships to show that you’re serious about your studies.


In conclusion, applying for a scholarship in Turkey from Pakistan can help Pakistani students get an excellent education and gain international experience. Knowing the steps and requirements can improve their chances of achieving their academic goals.

In this article, we discussed getting scholarships to study in Turkey. We looked at different types of programs, such as bachelor’s and master’s degrees, research opportunities, and job-related courses. We also discussed how scholarships can cover costs like tuition, living expenses, and extra money. 


best universities in turkey
bulsari scholarship
Eligibility Criteria to study in turkey
scholarship in Turkey
Scholarship programs offered by Turkey
Study in turkey
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turkey scholarship for pakistani students
turkey study visa
turkish universities

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June 13th, 2023
Mufaqar Author


Mufaqar is a seasoned developer, blogger, and the founder of TrueJob. With expertise in technology, he shares valuable insights and resources through his renowned blog. Committed to excellence, Mufaqar empowers readers with the latest industry knowledge and guidance to excel in their careers.

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