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Remote Jobs

10 Must-Have Tools for Remote Workers to Boost Productivity

In today’s world, lots of people are choosing to work from home instead of going to an office. This is because it gives them more freedom and a better balance between their job and personal life. However, working from home has its challenges, especially when it comes to staying productive and managing tasks efficiently. To help with this, remote workers use a variety of tools and technologies that make communication easier, improve teamwork, help with time management, keep data safe, and focus on well-being. In this guide, we’ll talk about the top ten tools that remote workers find most helpful for getting their work done well.

Communication and Collaboration Tool

Video Conferencing Platforms

Good communication is really important in remote work. Video calling tools are super helpful for having online meetings, training sessions, and showing presentations to clients. Apps like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet make it easy to see and hear each other, share what’s on our screens, chat, and connect with our calendars. These tools help teams work together right away, talk about projects, generate new ideas, and make decisions quickly, no matter where everyone is located.

Project Management Software

Working from home means handling big projects with lots of tasks, deadlines, and people involved. Tools like Asana, Trello, and Monday.com help remote teams keep things organized. They let us make to-do lists, decide what’s most important, assign tasks to team members, track how things are going, and work together well. These tools show project boards, task lists, timelines, and how far we’ve come, which makes it clear who’s doing what and keeps us on track. Plus, they work together with chat and file-sharing tools, making it easier for everyone to work together smoothly.

  1. Time Management Tools
  2. Time Tracking Apps

When you work from home, it’s easier to manage your time well and stay productive with someone watching over you. Time-tracking apps like Toggl, Harvest, and Clockify help with this by letting you keep track of your work hours accurately. These apps show how much time you spend on different tasks and projects, separate hours you can bill for from those you can’t, make timesheets, and give you ideas about how to work better. By looking at this data, you can figure out where you’re wasting time, make your schedule better, and get more work done.

  1. Task Scheduling Tools

Task scheduling tools are really important for remote workers to manage their work, set deadlines, and decide what’s most important. Apps like Todoist, Any. Do, and Microsoft To-Do helps with this by letting you make lists of tasks, set due dates, get reminders, repeat tasks, and choose what to work on first. These tools help you plan your work, focus on what’s urgent, use your time well, and avoid putting things off. They also work together with your calendar and other tools, making it easy to keep track of everything you need to do.

  1. Organization Tools
  2. Cloud Storage Solutions

Remote workers need a safe and organized place to keep their files and documents so they can easily access, share, and work on them together. Cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive provide this by offering flexible and secure storage options. They let you sync files across devices, see previous versions of files, control who can access what, and work together on files in real-time. You can store all kinds of files in the cloud, like documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and photos, making sure they’re safe, backed up, and accessible from anywhere. Security features like encryption and access controls make sure your data is protected and follows privacy rules.

  1. Note-Taking Apps

Note-taking apps are really helpful for remote workers to write down ideas, take notes during meetings, make lists of tasks, and keep things organized. Apps like Evernote, Notion, and OneNote make this easy by letting you format text, add pictures and videos, use tags and categories, and access your notes from different devices. You can create digital notebooks, save important information, work together on notes with others, and find what you need quickly. Some apps even recognize your handwriting and can turn pictures of text into editable words, making note-taking even easier.

  1. Cybersecurity Tools

Keeping your data safe is really important for people who work from home because it’s only sometimes as secure as an office. Cybersecurity tools and practices help protect against things like hackers, viruses, fake emails trying to steal information, and people getting into your computer without permission. Here are two important tools for keeping your data safe:

  1. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

VPNs are like bodyguards for your internet when you’re working from home. They keep your connection safe from people trying to spy on you, watch what you’re doing, or attack your computer. VPN services such as NordVPN, ExpressVPN, and CyberGhost hide your internet address, make your online activity private, and let you access work stuff securely. With a VPN, you can surf the web without anyone knowing who you are, watch videos that are only available in certain places, and use public Wi-Fi without worrying about hackers.

  1. Password Managers

Password managers are super important for people who work from home. They help you make, save, and handle strong passwords for all your different accounts safely. Apps like LastPass, Dashlane, and 1Password create tough passwords, keep them safe in a secret place, fill in login forms for you, and add extra security with two-factor authentication (2FA). When you use strong and unique passwords for each account, it stops bad guys from stealing your passwords, breaking into your accounts, and getting your private info.

  1. Health and Wellness Tools

Taking care of your body and mind is really important for people who work from home to keep being productive, creative, and happy with their job. Health and wellness tools give you help and resources to focus on taking care of yourself, handle stress, stay active, and balance work and life. Here are some tools you can use to make sure you stay healthy and happy while working from home:

  1. Fitness Tracking Apps

Fitness tracking apps are like personal coaches that help people who work from home keep track of how active they are, set goals to stay fit, record workouts, and live a healthy life. Apps such as Fitbit, Strava, and MyFitnessPal let you count steps, track calories, log exercises, monitor sleep, and even join challenges with friends. With these apps, you can remind yourself to take breaks, join online fitness classes, and see how well you’re doing in reaching your fitness goals. This helps you feel better overall and do better at work.

  1. Mental Health Resources

Working from home can sometimes make you feel lonely and stressed, which can affect how you feel mentally and emotionally. That’s why it’s important to have resources and support for your mental health. Platforms like Headspace, Calm, and Talkspace offer tools and services to help you manage stress, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed. They have things like meditation sessions, relaxing exercises, bedtime stories, therapy sessions, and other resources that are made especially for people who work remotely. Taking care of your mental health, doing things to help yourself feel better, and getting professional help when you need it is really important for staying strong and feeling good while working from home.

  1. File Collaboration and Sharing Tools

When working together on projects from different places, it’s common to share and edit files and documents. Tools for sharing and working on files make it easy to do this smoothly. They help with sharing, editing, keeping track of different versions, and giving feedback to each other. Here are some tools you can use for working together on files:

  1. Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)

Google Workspace has a bunch of helpful tools like Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Meet. These tools help teams work together on documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and projects in real-time. You can edit things at the same time, leave comments, track changes, and see previous versions of files. Google Meet is also great for having online meetings, sharing your screen, and talking face-to-face with your team, which makes it easier to work together, even when you’re far apart.

  1. Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 has many helpful tools, such as OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Teams. These tools let remote teams save, share, and work together on documents in OneDrive. You can also create and edit documents in real-time using Office apps, have online meetings and chats in Teams, and organize project tasks. Office 365 works well with Outlook for managing emails and calendars, making it easy for teams to work together smoothly.

  1. Remote Desktop and Access Tools

Remote desktop tools help people who work from home access and use their work computers, programs, and files from anywhere as long as they have the internet. These tools are really useful for getting into office stuff and doing tasks that need certain software or setups. Here are some remote desktop tools you might want to use:

  1. TeamViewer

TeamViewer is a tool that lets people who work from home connect to their work computers from far away. It allows you to control your computer, move files around, share your screen, and record what you’re doing, and it works on different types of devices. With TeamViewer, you can fix problems, access your files and programs safely, work together with your team, and help customers even if you’re not there in person.

  1. Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop is a tool from Google that lets you control your computer from far away if you’re using the Chrome web browser. It lets remote workers get into their computers or show their screens to others, which is great for working together, fixing problems, and helping each other out from a distance. It’s simple to set up and use, so it’s good for both personal and work stuff.

  1. Virtual Collaboration Spaces

Virtual collaboration spaces are online places where remote teams can work together, share ideas, and do projects. These spaces have things like digital whiteboards and tools for organizing thoughts, sharing documents, and working together in real-time. Here are some virtual collaboration spaces you might want to use:

  1. Miro

Miro is like an online whiteboard where remote teams can brainstorm ideas, make plans, and collaborate visually. It has sticky notes, tools for organizing thoughts, creating layouts, and boards for managing tasks. It also works with other tools for managing projects and communicating with each other. With Miro, teams can share ideas, plan projects, create workflows, and collaborate on visual stuff online.

  1. Trello

Trello is a tool for managing projects visually. It uses boards, lists, and cards to help teams organize tasks and projects. Remote teams can make boards for different projects, add tasks as cards, assign jobs to people, set deadlines, and see progress visually. Trello’s easy drag-and-drop features, labels, checklists, and connections to other tools make it great for managing tasks and working together as a team.

  1. Online Learning and Skill Development Platforms

Learning new things and improving skills are really important for people who work from home to keep up with changes in their industry, compete with others, and grow in their careers. Online learning websites have lots of different courses, tutorials, certificates, and resources to help you learn new skills and get better at your job. Here are some online learning platforms you might want to try:

  1. Coursera

Coursera is a website where you can learn many different things online. It offers courses, special programs, and even degrees from really good universities and schools. Remote workers can take classes in topics like business, technology, data science, marketing, and leadership. Coursera’s classes are easy to fit into your schedule; you can go at your own pace, and the stuff you learn is useful for jobs, especially if you work from home and want to learn new things or move up in your career.

  1. LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning, which used to be called Lynda.com, is a website where you can learn lots of different things online. They have courses, videos, and tutorials on business, technology, creative skills, and personal growth. Remote workers can take classes led by experts, learn from people who know a lot about their field, gain new skills, and get certificates. LinkedIn Learning suggests classes for you based on what you’re interested in, tests your skills and allows you to use them easily on your phone. It’s a good way for remote workers to keep learning and getting better at their jobs.

  1. Collaboration and Productivity Extensions

Collaboration and productivity extensions make tools and apps better by adding more stuff to them, like new features, connections to other apps, and ways to change how they work. These extensions help you work faster, do things automatically that you do over and over, and work better with your team even if you’re far apart. Here are some collaboration and productivity extensions you might want to try:

  1. Slack Apps and Integrations

Slack, a popular communication and collaboration platform, offers a wide range of apps and integrations that extend its functionality and capabilities. Remote teams can integrate tools such as Google Drive, Trello, Zoom, GitHub, and Asana with Slack to streamline communication, automate notifications, share files, track tasks, and conduct virtual meetings seamlessly. Slack apps enhance productivity, reduce context switching, and centralize workflow management within a single platform.

  1. Google Workspace Add-ons

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) offers a marketplace of add-ons and extensions that enhance the productivity and collaboration features of Google apps such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. Remote workers can install add-ons for tasks such as email tracking, document editing, project management, time tracking, and workflow automation. Google Workspace add-ons integrate with third-party tools, extend functionality, and improve efficiency within remote teams.


Remote work is changing a lot because of new technology, different ways of working, and big trends around the world. As more people work remotely, there’s a bigger need for tools and technology that help with getting work done, working together, talking to each other, and doing things efficiently. Having a mix of important tools helps remote workers deal with the challenges of working from home, solve problems, use opportunities, and do well in their jobs. Whether it’s tools for talking and working together, managing time, staying organized, staying safe online, or taking care of health and wellness, having the right tools helps remote workers do their best, come up with new ideas, and do great in their jobs, no matter where they are.


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March 28th, 2024
Mufaqar Author


Mufaqar is a seasoned developer, blogger, and the founder of TrueJob. With expertise in technology, he shares valuable insights and resources through his renowned blog. Committed to excellence, Mufaqar empowers readers with the latest industry knowledge and guidance to excel in their careers.

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